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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Information for Contributors

From January 2023, available only in digital form (no print copy).

 The Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, a quarterly, is devoted to the publication of communications embodying the results of original work in different branches of fibre & textile research/technology and in allied areas, such as Production and properties of natural and synthetic fibres (including industrial fibres); Production and properties of yarns; Production and properties of fabrics; Chemical and finishing processes; Physics and chemistry of fibre‑forming polymers; Fibre‑reinforced composites; Analysis, testing and quality control; Application of microprocessors; Instrumenta­tion; Industrial engineering; Application of nanotechnology in textiles; Dyeing and printing and Garment technology. Also included are review papers, conference reports, synopsis of doctoral thesis and book reviews. Review papers, in addition to surveying critically a topic or theme, should be designed to stimulate research by providing a perspective. The journal publishes peer reviewed papers.

 The journal is covered by the following abstracting, indexing and current awareness services:


Materials Science Citation Index

Science Citation Index–Expanded

(including Web of Science)

Journal Citation Report/ Science Edition


World Textile Abstract

Indian Science Abstract

Chemical Abstracts

Textile Technology Digest

Refrativnyi Zhurnal


Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts

NCI Current Contents
Directory of Open Access Journals

UDLedge Products

Digital Object Identifier

ICAR- National Academy of Agriculture Sciences (NAAS rating)


Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscript should be submitted online ( using the word processing software
M S Word and for illustrations any compatible format software (JPEG and TIF) may be used. Single word file including complete text, tables, figures and caption should be uploaded. It should be accompanied with a certificate on institute's letter head  (forwarded by a competent authority) signed by all the authors stating that the reported work is original and it has not been submitted elsewhere for publication; that the proper citations to the previously reported works have been given; and that in case data, Tables or Figures are quoted verbatim from some other publication, the required permission to do so has been obtained.

 Manuscript should be presented in as concise a form as possible, and type‑written in 1.5 line space on

one side ofpaper. Pages should be numbered consecutively, and the matter should be arranged in the following order: title; name(s) of author(s), department(s) and institution(s); abstract; keywords; introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; conclusion; acknowledgement; and references. The abstract, tables and captions (for figures) should be typed on separate pages. The section headings and sub‑headings within the text should be classified as per the decimal classification

Title: The title, not exceeding about 80 characters, should be such as to be useful in indexing and information retrieval. If a paper forms part of a series, a subtitle indicating the aspect of the work covered in the paper should be provided. If the title is long, a short title suitable for use as running title should be supplied.

Name and Address: The names of all the authors with initials should be given along with the name(s) of institution(s) where the work has been carried out. The present address of author(s),
if different from the place of work, should be given as footnote(s).

Abstract: The abstract, usually not exceeding 200 words, should indicate the scope and significant content of the paper, highlighting the principal findings and conclusions. Indicative abstracts are not acceptable for research articles.

Keywords: About 5-6 keywords in alphabetical order should be provided.

Introduction: The introductory part should be brief and state precisely the scope of the paper. Literature review should not exceed what is necessary to indicate the objective of the research undertaken and the essential background. It should clearly indicate the kind of study reported in the paper.

Materials and Methods: This section should report the materials used and methodology adopted in the study. New methods should be described in sufficient detail, but if the methods are already well known, a mere reference to them will do; deviations, if any, should however be stated.

Results and Discussion: The results and discussion should be given under one section, first giving the results followed by a discussion of its significance for easy understanding. The discussion should deal with the interpretation of results. It should relate the new findings to the known and include logical deductions.

Only such data as are essential for understanding the discussion and main conclusions emerging from the study should be included. Data should be arranged in a unified and coherent sequence so that the report develops clearly and logically. The data should be statistically analyzed, and the level of significance given. The same data should not be presented in both tabular and graphic forms.

Conclusion: It should stem directly from the data presented and no extra material should be introduced. It should be consistent with the introduction in fulfilling any promise made therein to the reader. The conclusion should also include negative
results and recommendations based on the results. In such cases where the study has lead to clear-cut finding, it is preferable to give the conclusions in the form of a series of numbered

Acknowledgement: This should be brief and for especial assistance only, not for routine `permission' to publish, or such trivial formalities.

References: References to literature, numbered consecutively, should be placed at the end of the paper. In the text, they should be indicated by numbers placed above the line (superscript). Examples for presenting references are given below.

Research paper—In citing references to research papers, names
and initials of the authors should be followed, in order, by the
title of the periodical in the abbreviated form, the volume
number, the year within circular brackets and the first page reference [e.g. Salhotra K R & Chattopadhyay R, Text Res J, 52 (1982) 317]. For names of periodicals, the standard abbreviations listed in the International Serials Catalogues published by the International Council of Scientific Union's Abstracting Board should be used. If the reference is to an article published without any authorship in a periodical, the title of the article takes the place of the author in the citation [e.g. Handloom sector of the textile industry in India, Man‑made Text India, 27(1984) 67]. If a paper has been accepted for publication, the names and initials of the authors and the journal title should be given followed by the words “in press” within circular brackets[e.g. Chavan R B & Subramanian A, Text Res J, (in press)].

Book—Reference to a book should include, in the following order, names and initials of authors, the title of the book, name of publisher and place of publication within circular brackets, year and the particular page reference [e.g. Hearle J W S & Peters R H, Fibre Structure (The Textile Institute, Manchester), 1963, 91]. If the reference is to the work of an author published in a book by a different author or edited by a different person, the fact that it is cited from the source book should be clearly indicated
[e.g. Hearle J W S, in The Setting of Fibres and Fabrics, by
J W S Hearle and L W C Miles (Merrow Publishing Co. Ltd, Watford, England), 1971, 1; Ranganathan S R &
Vengsarkar S R, in Polymer Textiles, edited by M L Gulrajani (The Textile Association (India), Bombay), 1980, 1

Proceeding—Proceedings of conferences and symposia should be treated in the same manner as books [e.g. Ramamoorthy Rao T N, Muntazir Ahmed & Parthasarathy M S, Proceedings, 24th Joint Technological Conference of ATIRA, BTRA, SITRA & NITRA (SITRA, Coimbatore), 1983, 161]. Reference to a paper presented at a conference, the proceedings of which are not published, should include in the following order, the names and initials of the a
uthors, title of the paper, title of the conference, place where the conference was held, and date [e.g. Mehra K C, Problems of utilization of Indian wools in carpet trade, paper presented at the symposium on Production and Utilization of Indian Wools,
Jaipur, 2‑4 September 1972

Thesis—Reference to a thesis should include the name of
the author, title of the thesis, university or institution to
which it was submitted, and year of submission [e.g. Radhakrishnaiah P, Studies on Rotor‑Spun Blended Yarn, Ph.D. thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 1980].

Patent— Reference to a patent should include names of applicant, country of origin and patent number or
the application number, and date of filing [e.g. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., U S Pat 2, 463, 219, 1 March 1949].

Specifications—Reference to a specification should include the name of the specification, specification number, organization within parenthesis and year [e.g. Indian standards specifications IS: 271
(Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi), 1975

Web address— Reference to web address should include complete Url address followed by date of download in circular brackets.

Even if a reference contains more than two authors, the names of all the authors should be given. The abbreviations et al., idem and ibid should not be used.

Tables: These should be typed on separate sheets of paper without any text matter. They should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should bear brief titles. Column headings should be brief. Units of measurement should be abbreviated and placed below the headings. Negative result should be indicated as `nil' and absence of data by a dash. The rules between rows and columns should not be used.

Illustrations: Illustrations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Captions and legends to the figures should be self‑explanatory, typed on a separate sheet of paper and attached at the end of the manuscript. Line drawings should be made by an artist using stencil on white drawing paper (preferably Bristol board) or cellophane sheet.  Computer prints should be dark, sharp and clearly readable.

Micrographs should include bench marks. Special care should be taken with computer listings, which are often not suitable for reproduction. In the case of photographs, prints must be on glossy paper and must show good contrast. If an illustration is taken from another publication, reference to the source should be given and prior permission secured. Illustrations should be referred to in the text consecutively by numbers.

For satisfactory reproduction, the graphs and line drawings should be drawn to about twice the printed size. The size of letters, numbers, dots, lines, etc should be sufficiently large to permit reduction to the page (175 mm) or the column (85 mm) width, as required in the journal, without loss of details.  Lettering size should be kept in such a way that in final prints it is 7-9 pt size in arial font. Colour figures should be made in CMYK (photoshop; tiff or jpg files) with resolution of 250-300 dpi. Black and white figures or half tones should be in bitmap/grey scale with 200 dpi.

Footnotes: These should be avoided as far as possible.
Essential footnotes may, however, be indicated by superscribed alphabets a,b,c.

Structural Formulae: The number of structural formulae should be restricted to the bare minimum. Wherever the purpose is adequately served by giving chemical or common names, these should be preferred.

Equation: Equations should be set using the equation editor software.

Terminology: The authors are advised to use only textiles terminology consistent with Textile Terms and Definitions, published by the Textile Institute, Manchester.

Abbreviations and Symbols: Standard abbreviations should be used in the text, tables and illustrations without full stop.

SI units: The Journal requires the use of SI units for all numerical data. Common metric (cgs), English Engineering, or other frequently used units may be given in parentheses following the SI units.

In case of review articles, the text matter following the introduction may be classified as per the requirement.

Journal does not levy article submission or processing charges.

The CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors.





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